Music Ministry

Welcome to St. Marianne Cope Music Ministry!

Here at St. Marianne Cope we have a rich and unique musical heritage, and it is the goal of our music ministers to enhance and enrich the prayer of our gathered congregation. Through the hard work of many talented and enthusiastic volunteer ministers, St. Marianne Cope's music ministry leads the community in song at many liturgies throughout year, in the form of six choirs, several cantors, and instrumentalists. 



Accompanist / Instrumentalist

Contact: Sandra Godwin 585-334-3518 x 1107

Provide instrumental leadership as accompanist/instrumentalist for weekend masses and prayer services. Individuals must have adequate skill on their musical instrument(s) and be willing to take lessons and/or practice on their own time along with the group/individuals they will accompany.

Cantors and Choirs

The Music Ministry is an important part of weekend Liturgies. Its members practice several hours each week in preparation for our Masses

Cantors: Contact: Sandra Godwin, 585-334-3518 x1107 or

Provide singing leadership for weekend Masses and other prayer services where there is no choir. Individuals must have a basic knowledge of singing, be available for a training program and be willing to rehearse on their own and with the accompanist to learn new music.


Choir: Contact: Sandra Godwin, 585-334-3518 x1107 or

This choir provides musical selections of sacred choral music in a variety of ways. The choir rehearses weekly at Guardian Angles Church on Wednesday nights at 6:30.


Ensemble: Contact: Sandra Godwin, 585-334-3518 x1107 or

The Ensemble provides a wide variety of praise and worship music as well as selections of hymns and songs from our hymnal. The Ensemble rehearses weekly Guardian Angels Church on Wednesday nights at 6:30.


Festival Choir: Contact: Sandra Godwin, 585-334-3518 x1107 or

This Choir enhances the Christmas Eve and Holy Triduum Liturgies through music. It is made up of members from all choirs, as well as instrumentalists, and is a representation  of the entire parish coming together to celebrate these holiest of days. Any parishioner is welcome to join; rehearsals vary depending on the season.


Resurrection Choir: Contact: Sandra Godwin, 585-334-3518 x1107 or

The Resurrection Choir helps celebrate the life of those who have died, leading in song during funerals and memorial services. This ministry is especially appealing to those who have flexible schedules.


RHYM Music Groups: Contact: The Parish Office, 585-334-3518

Young musicians, grade 6 through young adult, learn about Liturgy and music ministry through planning and providing music for a variety of masses and special events throughout the year. This group is open to vocalists as well as instrumentalists.

RHYM Choir practices on Tuesday evenings.

RHYM Ensemble practices on Sunday evening.