Staff Liaison: Cris Wensel;; 585-334-3518
Liturgical Ministers Contact: Cris Wensel
Liturgical Ministries involve those who have recognized the need for more personal involvement in every weekend Liturgy, and all these ministries contribute to the Holy Mass.
- Altar Servers: Boys, girls, teens, or adults who have received First Communion assist at weekend Liturgies.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Offers the Body and Blood of Christ to those gathered at Mass, those in hospitals or the homebound. Individuals must be baptized members of the Roman Catholic Church. Training is required and provided.
- Lectors: Proclaim God’s Word from the scripture at weekend Mass and special Lectors need to have the ability to read, comprehend the scripture text, and speak clearly. Training is required.
- Sacristans: Weekend, Daily and Funerals Liturgies: Responsible for mass preparations before and after weekend Masses and special liturgies including cleanup of the Sacristans serve at the Mass they normally attend. Funeral Sacristans serve at funeral Masses and memorial services. Training is provided.
- Greeting Ministry: Assist in welcoming and greeting all who come to worship, fostering and encouraging a place of belonging. Greeters are asked to arrive at least 45 minutes prior to the Mass for which they volunteer.
- Ushers: Assist in accommodating the needs of the people gathered for Ushers collect the weekly offering and provide orderly seating at Mass.
Liturgy Committee
Contact: Marie Snell
The Liturgy Committee prepares and evaluates weekend and seasonal liturgies and prayer opportunities, based on the needs of the community and in accordance with liturgical guidelines.
Art & Environment
Contact: Marie Snell
Madeline Merkl 585-249-0644
Members of Art and Environment establish and maintain an appropriate decorative environment consistent with the church calendar, holidays, and events to enhance and beautify the worship spaces at each of our parish churches.
Cleaning Teams
Contact: Cris Wensel
Volunteers needed and appreciated to clean the nave and narthex of the building.
Altar Linens
Contact: Cris Wensel
Our launderers ensure adequate supply of clean linen for weekly Eucharistic celebrations. On a rotating schedule and in their own homes, volunteers clean and press altar linens.
Liturgical Wedding Planner
Contact: Dawn Savacool
Assist in the preparation for marriage liturgy, conduct the wedding rehearsal, and offer suggestions and options to couples in planning the details of their wedding celebration.