Baptismal Preparation
- Contact: Amanda Rayburn, 585-334-3518
- Class is held on a bi-monthly basis for parents preparing to have a child baptized.
Children’s Sacramental Preparation
- Contact: Gina Jennion, 585-334-3518
- Provides families and individuals with opportunities to learn our Catholic doctrine and traditions in an atmosphere that encourages the practice of faith.
- The experience of God is celebrated and spiritual growth is promoted.
- People are prepared for participation in the larger Church/community.
- Volunteers are welcome to assist in First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation preparation.
- Contact: Fr. Mike Mayer, 585-334-3518 x1117 or
Marriage is a sacrament which unites a man and woman in a holy covenant blessed by God. If you are planning on getting married, contact your parish at least six months prior to your wedding to set up an appointment to begin the process of preparing for your wedding. This will include:
- a pre-Cana program,
- a Fully Engaged Inventory,
- a pre-nuptial investigation (to make sure that you are free to marry in the church)
- other meetings to review the above
- More information on the particular components of the preparation process can be found here on the Diocesan web site.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
- Contact: Amanda Rayburn, 585-334-3518
- Provides a process for those who have never been baptized, have been baptized in another faith, or who have not completed their initiation to become full members of the Roman Catholic faith.
- The program involves instruction through readings, faith sharing and presentations on our Catholic faith.
- Catechists and core team members are invited to assist with instruction and mentoring group participants.