Pastoral Care

Staff Liaison:  Cris Wensel  585-334-3815

Visitation Ministry

  • Homebound Visitation   Contact: Cris Wensel

    Our parish visitors maintain the connection between our faith community and the homebound. New members are always welcome to visit, bring the Eucharist, and pray with those who cannot attend Mass. Training is provided.

  • Hospital Visitation   Contact: Cris Wensel

St. Marianne Cope parish offers visits to parishioners when they are hospitalized. Visitors visit, pray, offer the Eucharist (when feasible) and offer pastoral care to both patients and their families. Training is provided.

As with all Nursing Homes, there are a quite a few Catholics residing at Woodcrest Nursing Home who do not have an opportunity to share in the Eucharist on a regular basis. This Communion service group makes that happen twice a month by bringing the Body of Christ to all Catholics who wish this. There remains a great need for additional members, especially during the winter months, when some volunteers are not available.

Members conduct a prayer service at Brentland Woods shortly after the 9:45 Mass on Sundays. After the Gospel reading, the Eucharist is provided to the many faithful Catholics residing there. Parishioners are encouraged to share their faith with the seniors residing there by becoming new members.