Training for Volunteers

Training for Volunteers

Our programs and community wouldn't be possible without the many dedicated wonderful volunteers who share their gifts with the community!  

Our goal at the Parish of St. Marianne Cope is to provide more than adequate training and resources to support our volunteers in their efforts.  We know that most of our volunteers are also parents, husbands, wives and grandparents as well as full time career people.  All of these qualities are what add such richness to our community!  With this in mind we try to make all training and enrichment opportunities and convenient as possible!

All volunteers need to complete the Creating a Safe Environment on-line training and have a background check prior to volunteering.  The information can be found on our website here:

All volunteer Catechists (religion teachers) who commit to teaching a class or those who commit to leading in prayer our Liturgy of the Word with Children are continuously invited to opportunities to grow in faith.  Such volunteers are invited to workshops offered through out the diocese and enrichment opportunities in our parish.

If you have questions please contact Amanda Rayburn at 334-3518 or at