
According to the Policies for the Administration of the Sacraments from Bishop Salvatore Matano (#2.2), “Ordinarily, candidates for First Penance and First Eucharist have participated in regular religious education or attended Catholic schools for the year preceding enrollment for preparation for First Eucharist.”  (In other words, these children were part of a formal first grade faith formation experience.)

Candidates for First Eucharist will have made sacramental confession before receiving this Sacrament in accordance with canon 914 of the Code of Canon Law.  Candidates are to have the use of reason, which is canonically presumed at age seven. 

We provide preparation sessions and materials that are age appropriate for parents and children who are ready to celebrate this sacrament. 

First Communion is celebrated in the spring.

If you have questions about your child’s readiness to receive Holy Communion or would like more information on our preparation classes, please contact the Parish Office at 585-334-3518.