Mass Times
2061 East Henrietta Road | Rochester, NY
Saturday: 3:00pm
Saturday: 4:30pm
Sunday: 8:00am; 10:30am
Monday & Wednesday: 12:10pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 8:00am
Celebration of the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Celebration of the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Live-Streaming Notice
Live-streaming is temporarily suspended. We're looking into upgrading/ replacing equipment.
Recorded masses will be posted weekly by Monday.
Happening This Week
February 1-8
Saturday February 1 - 5:30pm Chewing on the Word, following our 4:30pm Mass
Sunday February 2 - 6:00pm - 7:00pm RHYM Souperbowl of Caring
Tuesday February 4 - 7:00pm @ Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hands of Christ Award Ceremony
Wednesday February 5 - 10:00am Funeral of Marie McCoy followed by interment at Ascension Gardens
Thursday February 6 - 10:00am Funeral of Craig Cielinski followed immediately by reception in parish hall
Saturday February 8 - 10:00am Funeral of Myra Bellavia
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2025 18th Annual Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.Text
The 18th Annual Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thursday, January 16th 2025
Creating a Safe Environment
As part of the Diocese of Rochester's ongoing Creating a Safe Environment efforts and at the direction of Bishop Matano after a recommendation from the USCCB auditors, please follow the link below to see the many resources in the Protecting Our Children portion of the diocesan website.
If you are a St. Marianne Cope Parish volunteer who needs CASE training, please follow this link: