Youth Ministry

RHYM 2023-24 Registration: 2023-24 RHYM

Staff Liaison:  Gina Jennison;; 585-334-3518

RHYM Youth Group and Faith Formation:

Through this group, young people in grades 7-12 have the opportunity to know, live, and share their faith. Meetings use a small team faith sharing approach to learning and sharing faith. In addition to meetings, many social, service, and liturgical events are planned throughout the year.


RHYM Ignited Ministries

While a great foundation to accomplishing the RHYM mission is provided through youth group (Jr. and Sr. RHYM), we like to encourage young people to go beyond youth group and home study to ignite their faith and the faith of others by participating in a variety of ministries. 

  1. Small Faith-Sharing Groups (Emmaus Groups):

This group is for young people who are interested in evangelism and discipleship and have a desire to “go deeper with their faith.”  These groups are formed as interest is expressed; they can be held at any time that is convenient for the group. 

  1. Leadership and Service:

Disciples Leadership Group (grades 7 to 12):  This group is for young people who are interested in becoming leaders in RHYM and their community.  Members will develop leadership skills, serve as peer leaders and help to plan RHYM activities and meetings.

Leadership and Service Council (grades 9 to 12): Council members continue to develop leadership skills and serve as peer leaders, organize and participate in service projects (including a summer mission trip for older members), and serve as the youth advisory group to the youth minister and pastoral council. Members of the council are encouraged to serve as Jr. RHYM team leaders. Leadership and Service Council Members may be nominated for the council after completing an active year of RHYM and fulfilling all RHYM commitments.  In addition to attendance at the Council meetings and retreat/training days, council members must have the desire to serve and seek justice as well as a commitment to the RHYM program, the life of the parish and Sacramental life. 

  1. Music and Liturgy:

RHYM Music (grades 7 to college aged young adults). The RHYM  Ensemble encourages young people to use their musical talents to make decisions and be involved in liturgy and prayer in our parish.  This group learns about liturgy planning and helps to plan and lead the music for several Masses, prayer services and meetings during the year. Members complete one year in RHYM Choir prior to becoming a member of the Ensemble and they must be commitment to the scheduled practices, Masses, and prayer services throughout the year.

  1. Retreats and Conferences:

Throughout the year, RHYM-ithians have the opportunity to attend a variety of experiences including Kingdom Bound and parish retreats.

Volunteers who work in any ministry with children and vulnerable elderly people first participate in the Diocese Training for Creating a Safe Environment.